Superstar Avatar-The Science of Celebration

Here you find writings, musings and rantings from Prof Violet (A.K.A. Scott) on all things Superstar Avatar - The Science of Celebration

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

An invitation to THE MARVELOUS

Hey you- Ecstatic Visionaries, Fun Seekers and WonderPunks...
Shake off that grey sleep, Oh, dreaming hearts and ignite!
Strange newness beckons to us, whispering- ‘cast off your old skin...’
Curtains, like old treasure maps, draw back to reveal The Play.
Together, shall we step into this ‘Theater in The Round’
this Mythic life, a Theater of the Marvelous...
and become wondrous?
Its time to get our Mojo on.
Where The Mythic Call is sounded, at last, Realities’ grip shall come ungrounded!
(and triumphantly all doubts confounded!)

Life as ART  

23 years ago, I found a personally influential book titled-
‘The Theater of The Marvelous- Surrealism and The Contemporary Stage’ in the UCSC library and this morning, found myself intuitively reaching for it again on my top shelf. As I leafed through key pages and passages, it came back to me in a flash…what I had been striving for all these years, the quest I had been on all these years…..
‘what are the tools, the community, the players and the means by which to bring the wildly creative, gorgeous world  we know is possible, into existence?’
How do we court Wonder, Awe and Sublimely Ridiculous Beauty- that life and The World may consciously become The Grand Art Project we know it to be?
Can a social movement be engineered?
We are finding each other, connecting to our companions of destiny, in these endeavors.
Collectively have honed our parts –our skills-our talents, our ability to improv on any theme.
We took it on the road, without rehearsal, and opened the portal magnificently.
All Signs point to yes.
Its upon us.
The ominous boom-boom-boom of great drums beats in the distance, looming shadows of Global this and that bear down upon us...
..but under it, if you listen, as i know most of you have, you can hear it...
another song, underneath most melodic and wondrous strange, one that quickens the pulse and opens the heart...
The Mythic Call has sounded and we respond accordingly to our natures, or are we?
Are we truly rising to the call Evolution has put on our tables?
Are we doing the best we can in riding out to meet the current challenges with our ‘Mystic Fire’ tucked close at hand, our hearts courageous, our visions blazing, our allies close by and our eyes intent on the rising dawn before us?
For ‘We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams...’ We are the mingling blodlines of  those that came  before us….
We are the Mythmakers, the Ecstatic Technopriests, Dakini Bambinis, Priestesses, Artists and Bards, Bacchantes and Dionysian Lovers of  Truth and Beauty, the children of beatniks and hippies, seekers and activists.
In our blood we can hear the call, the invitation to do miracles...if we have the courage to rise to it!
We are part of a conscious tradition which has always brought new light in through the cracks of the old….and as a band of merry fools and archetypally charged evolutionary agents, we inhabit ART as our vehicle for serving up invitational, magical, participatory transformative experiences.
The joy we feel when we’re together accelerates our inner fire and ignites those around us.
We are The Players of The Marvelous and a New Game emerges from our play.
This is becoming a very tangible reality now.
The Finite Game of the old world, which is defined by winners and losers, is giving way to the far more attractive and appealing  Infinite Game, which is defined by increasing quality of play for all players…. Lets stay the course….and throw the Party At The End of Time we really do get to play mini golf and wear tiny hats.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Ode to the New World

Ode to the New World

In our slumber
We dreamt the starry gold was rising in the blood
doilies and punch bowls laid out for the Big Party
Mother was calling us …
awakening in The Heart of Everything
Listen Now friends to the calling
Listen to the wind in the fields ,
Listen to the owls cry at midnight.

....listen for the pre-dawn bells
The dreaming blossoms in the darkness
Heavy with early morning dew

Friends, signs of a glad making miracle are upon us!
the threads of all Great Works everywhere are falling into alignment-
the curtains draw back,
the orchestra tuning itself from the void,
the clowns and shamans and be-tricycled midgets
of The Great Medicine Show called EARTH
spin on red and white hyperspheres,

See There! the circus tents of hyperluminal canvas
and digitally enhanced intention
unfurling like Lotus Blossoms in urban desert landscapes

Star Light Ambassadors, listen!
(in hushed whispers..)
Maiden Starry Mother leads us to dance with the world and says “all acts of pleasure and BEAUTY are my rituals…”

Look to the Children of the moon and flowers that dwell
within the twilight essence of shining stones and moist grottoes,
embodied of the Gaian Heart of Beauty .....
they, who will sing with thee of the New World Revels!

Look to the spirit of the Eternally Green
the Joy- bringers of the May Faire
In living clelbrations, where Maiden Mother Whispers of things found and joined

Of healing and soft victories where she fills us with moments of remembrance when all is brought to right !

Gratitude and Praise!
Look to those inebriated of the Goddess that have,
In hot-tongued pursuit of Loves’ awakening, opened the way!

sing gratitude and praise to all those aflame with the Shekinah!

Look to your mastery as Star Pilots Eternal!
for You are all here by appointment to the star.

Look To Love-
for you’re Love Engines, the lot of you,
naughty children lusting for GodLoveGoddessLightPower!

So realize The Dream of Manifest Goodness
rising within you-here, nowhere and everywhere….
The Waking Dream of I AM Love,
firm and soft, deep and wide, powerful and rich,
silent and gloriously thundering Lovelies,

That we may we rise together and fill with New Light expanding the joy of Creations Grand Play-

In these things ,you will find the subtle mechanics of The Ship,
the avatar body and collective avatar,
present and still, breathing and conscious,

The body and avatar, dynamic, collectively alive with PLay rainbow light.
In Star light.
Moon light.

Sealed with the Suns Blessing-
Thundering haunches and winged hissing coils
furling and arching across the arch of time
feathered rainbow light above and flashing swift strength in the Wood

If we are Truly humbled and Truly bold enough to behold THAT magnificence within our cells We shall Rise together as One Great Central Sun

Gratitude and Praise!

Sealed by The Stars Blessing-


I am the secret rising dawn,
blowing softly upon crashing shores
a shining wind from a boundless space

I am empty so that I may receive Creations’ Grace

Rose Dawn singing in a Golden void
I Shine with light bringing gladness,
to my fellow stars on this Emerald and Sappire Earth Ship!

I Spill forth
Radiant with becoming!

Ecstatically Joined,
we are a new-hued wonder,
magnificent to behold….

And The SuperStar Avatar Says-
Here, In The Heart of It All,
I shall lose myself to Starry Infinity
with my Brothers and Sisters and so gain my true self.

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Abundance League Invocation

Opening Invocation to The First Abundance League-
geez....looking back on really needs humour and irreverance..
other than that, i really meant these words so......???

Welcome- Stewards and Architects of Abundance
Welcome- Abundant Spirit that brings us together, Thank You
Welcome- hopeful hearts and authentic avatars

Tonight we welcome and acknowledge all gifts, wisdom, insight, applied intelligence, intention, goodwill, loving service, patient perseverance and CREATIVITY brought to this Great Feasting Hall!

May we be open tonight to receive the Beauty of each other’s Mastery in our hearts, our minds and our very cells…
Here, in this gathering, may every voice, every act of service shared, be recognized for what they truly are … ecstatic flames burning from the Abundant Heart of Creation itself!

Bountiful Mother, we thank you for the Blessings received here
Radiant Father, we thank you for this community in which we may amplify these blessings…

Abundance League, as good stewards to the Flame of Cocreation
together let us shine forth, magnificent to behold
An invitation to the whole of the world

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Journey in the woods

rough version...needs second half and editing-
Montgomery woods were fertile and bursting with spring life.
New rains transformed the wood into an idyllic scene straight out of the film- Legend…small pools, streams and still blue green chalices of cool water interspersed the old growth redwood grove.
Lush banks of moss and clusters of woodland ferns completed the perfect landscape.
I kept blinking, filled with amazement- wonder..
The sight before me looked so ‘crafted’, so intentionally landscaped!
(very likely tended by expert Gnome hands..)
The twists and turns of the streams that ran through the wood made no sense-
Small paths and bridges appeared out of nowhere and abruptly ended as soon as they appeared.
It was a hilarious task attempting to make sense of any these trails, for much of the wood was soft with a kind of loamy mud, just beneath the moss and woodland floor…thereby making it difficult to continue down any one path.
You could almost hear the faeries having a ripe ole time of it, watching the humans curse and get increasingly perplexed and flustered, wandering in circles to avoid muddy feet.
Giggling from behind ancient, tall trees.
A couple of large old redwoods had toppled over, who knows how long ago, presenting the incredibly strange sight of very large, yet shallow widespread root structures.
A mass of dark, intertwined rooty shapes spread out radially in every direction…looking like something from Rodin’s Gate of Hell…these mammoth mandalas spreading outwards… providing a striking contrast to the soft lushness of the surrounding green faery playground.

Daylight streamed through the highest branches of the old growth trees,
reminding me of Cathedral stained glass, my urban Avatar had comment here
“cliché, dude...”
But my Wonder Avatar remained steadfast in observation….
“This very sight is the inspiration behind why stained glass exists…”

Sunlight lightly touching down on a pools and small plump islands of moss and ferns, soft twilight embraced the rest.

Very occasionally, a small family would appear and disappear briefly, intent on reaching some important seeming destination…plodding along in ordered regiments, hardly pausing to take notice of anything around them.
Strangely immune to the dilemma of The Winding Paths.

This was a perfect destination for a Journey into The Mystery.
An ideal setting to lose ones’ self into the embrace of Nature.
The course was set to dissolve into the wisdom and architecture of The Emerald Kingdom.
Everything felt in alignment.

Here, in this exquisitely crafted fantasy world, the pulse of Divine Truth hummed
behind everything. Every glance reminded you, opened you, invited you to go further….Inside
The living spirit of The Mother emanated from everything.
The stillness of the wood was alive with her Love.
A love now softly dissolving my city edge and smartness
Here, Mother was Matter manifested.

I had come to reconnect, to pay homage, to offer myself to the harmony of Natures’ Temple.
Let it go.
Let it in.
The familiar ritual of laying the ego at the Temple Door occurred with only some physical discomfort….
The shamanic act of stepping sideways between worlds always has accompanying side effects.
Breath and Center.
Focus on Gratitude and Trust.
Then the cascade of dimensional frequencies.
Slowly, rising up like a strange Sun in the interior of my being,
The invitation of the Blue Friends extended itself through the mycelium of me.
Welcome, welcome ancient beings beyond time and space.
Welcome to our mind.

Merging with a consciousness like a diamond web, extending through vistas strange and beautiful….a hyperdimensional monorail system pulled up on the carport of my being, poised for embarking.

This voyage, however, was not meant to deliver me into the vast interior of Soul realms and cosmic destinations.
This voyage was a collaboration scripted by time, space, Nature and Creation itself.
This perfect point in Indra’s Web was a scripted appointment to fully witness the grandeur of This Forests Truth.

I stood in stillness, perfectly straight…
Stillness ebbed and flowed, in and around me.
Cloaking me in a tangible, velvety Royal Purple stillness.
My feet took root and my crown charka extended into the rays of the Sun beaming down through the tall giants.
I became a tree myself, joining with the assembled Grove.
I opened the conduit of my being and I received the code of Divine Will and Intelligence from the Suns Rays.
I felt the essence of me, my soul blueprint… travel along the lines of light and commune with the Father.
Soul spring cleaning, cellular level attunement with the Will of Creation.
Transmissions of clarity and great assistance were offered instantaneously.

Sparks of the suns’ being illuminated the parts of me still dark and cold with winter.
The Sun crowned me, smiling, and sent me off to play.

Time is funny in Journey land.
There is no way to recount what happened when nor does it really matter.
Recounting essence is the key here, yes.

I do recall clearly though, the Sun wanted me to visit the Being That Lived in The Glade.

And with those words, suddenly, the most secret part of the wood.
Opened before me.

Suddenly all the twisty streams and paths led here, to this scene, this Secret Glade…..nestled between two fernclad cliffs…the deepest deep pool of emerald blue water.
Worn stones sat like wisewomen clad in moss ponchos around the edge of this pool.

The Forests Heart.

That is what was said to me when I first heard the Wyrrding sound.
The sound that accompanies the opening of The Gates of Faery.

The Wyrrding sparkle glamour of NeverLand and Wonders Untold, blowing upside down and backwards.
The Shining sound that shimmers from unearthly halls up the great tree…
Great branches touching on the shores of our world.
It is a sound that changes you forever and, like the fruit of the Goblin Market, haunts your days for want of hearing it again.
It is a sound impossible to hear with human ears and impossible to recreate…
Though the part of us that is Faery still can hear it, if we truly long for it and allow ourselves to open…to remember the part of us long called away by reason and logic, order and sense.

They ask for clear sight into your souls purpose, in exchange for passage.
They request this, unflinchingly.
I presented the artwork of me, literally with arms outstretched, to the swirl of electric consciousnesses swirling around me…
I felt myself pricked and probed on incredibly intimate levels..

All the while…ever so faint, wild lyric strains and fierce melodies infused everything …blowing through the heart of me like a Gale force.

Longing and Beauty, shimmering memories, ecstatic love and Beauty…all sing and play here,,,dappled memories in our cells, pulling us, tugging at our Mortal Nature….temptation of Divine possibility cascading

Mingling bloodlines, acknowledging the part of me that never compromised my Immortal Spirit for want of knowing the physical world.

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Beauty Engine Revisited

gotta get this going....
it's just a matter of time

The Beauty Engine Experience

Beauty defined-
Anything that brings us up close and personal with The Divine

The Beauty Engine Experience
A true cocreation, an experience of shared Beauty and exploration
Future culture now, Salon of possibilities, Embodiment and Deep Wisdom
Rejuvenation, Inspiration, Catalyzation

Beauty Engine breaks down into:
Beauty Engine Avatars (‘Beauty Engineers’)
The guests are invited to create their ‘Beauty Engine Avatars’
Beauty Powers (SuperPowers)
All participants are invited to create their Beauty Powers
Engine Dynamics (Social Mechanics)
The social dynamics by which all Avatars collectively agree to interact
Beautiful Hosts (Starguide)
Hosts assist participants in having a pleasureable and rewarding experience
Beautiful Pilots (StarPilots)
Beauty Engineers who script and facilitate deeper experiences for the others

The BE Experience:

A Holistic experience combining-
The Aesthetic
The Intellectual
The Emotional
The Physical

Curated topics to include all of the above:
(No two Beauty Engines will ever be the same…)
Presenters and Speakers
Holistic practitioners
Healers and Shamans
Artists- analog and digital
Philosophers and Mystics
Culinary Arts
Future Sciences

Monthly event
Create a Beauty Engine House
Website page on Mission Control
Examples of Beauty cards
Start cultivating list of invitees and create invite promo

Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see Beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see Beauty never grows old. --Frank Kafka
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor RooseveltI look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty.
-John Fitzgerald KennedyBeauty is not in the face;beauty is a light in the heart.
-Khalil Gibran,
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
~John Muir
In everyone's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
~Christopher MorleyScott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Early Abundance League copy

The Abundance League
Championing the Social Architecture of Sustainability
(A House of The SuperStar Nation)

Presents -

The Abundance Showcase
A Monthly Gathering for Sharing Abundant Living Solutions and exploring the Social Dimension of Sustainability.

Mission Control, 2519 Mission Street @ 21st

The third Thursday of every month from 6:00-10:00pm.

Calling all Social Scientists, Sustainability Buffs, Environmental Champions, Social Justice Heroes,
Community Stewards and all Cocreators who care about fostering Collective Evolution!

Are you someone who has successfully implemented a method for Abundant Living?
Do you want to learn more about the connection between social behavior and sustainability?
Are you a Social Architect with valuable findings to share about HOW IT WORKS?
Have you found that Abundant Living means daily practice?
Are you tired of bitching about social problems and want solutions now?
Then you are already a member!
Come out and meet your peers!

We have discovered that all beings become Stewards of Abundance through direct participation in experiences that reward abundant behavior.

Our Mission
In support of our findings, our mission is to foster adoption of Abundant Living practices through Direct Experience.

Event Format:
There are two parallel tracks at The Abundance Showcase. The main room hosts a formal program including the Announcements, Keynote, and Expressions segments. An adjoining room allows you the space, tools, and permission to connect with others. You are free to quietly move between tracks.

Formal Program
6:00-7:00 Welcome – orientation, mingling, refreshments
7:00-7:30 Announcements – open mike, take the floor for up to five minutes to share initiatives, solutions or victories
7:30-8:00 Keynote – featured speaker or artist, Q&A if appropriate
8:00-9:00 Expressions – art, poetry or music to honor and inspire your work
9:00-10:00 Farewell – full-throttle mingling throughout the space until 10:00

Roundtable Discussions
The Abundance Showcase can also accommodate roundtable discussions in a third room. If you’d like an in-depth discussion of a topic, host a Roundtable Discussion. We provide the room, you invite participants and host the discussion. Facilitation can be provided.

What the heck is Abundant Living?
It’s simple; we can get the most out of life and create a sustainable world by helping each other in simple ways every day!

Abundant Living is a set of social practices that if embraced by a community lead to an unusual state of material and experiential abundance. It operates through social scripts freely offered by proponents that unlock personal and collective potential. It’s a sustainable complement to a market based society that makes rewarding relationships, healthy communities, and transformational personal experiences scarce. It takes its inspiration from the Latin origin of the word community, which literally means, “to give among each other”.

The Abundance League Supports:

· Authentic representation of your Social Self
oAuthentic dress, speech, and gesture- come as the Social Architect you truly are!
Authentic representation of Personal Value

Representation of your personal value, talents and project
·Authentic participation in community
Social connectedness, acceptance, and diversity

· The Sharing of Abundance
Creative expression by and for members
Friendliness, conviviality, and fun for all

The Dynamics of Abundant Social Solutions-
Members freely giving and receiving assistance to each other
Meaningful, high quality social interactions
Stewardship of abundant social behavior

· The Creation and Sharing of Direct Experiences-
Fostering collaboration by matching your needs to resources Celebration of our abundant solutions and victories

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Absinthe Party ritual

Set music and stage in theater
Green Fairy music track 1 on
Light candles
Dim lights
Set stage on magic table- water, fire, bowl with salt and alchohol, Abs, sugar
Gather crowd as Count Fee with bell
Gather 3 fairies- assign the Water, the sugar, the flame
Fairy of The Dreaming Waters
Fairy of The Joyful Fire
Fairy of The Sweetness
Take the Stage
Call up each Fairy…calling their names
Ring the Bell three times

Welcome all Guests Intro ramble, intro ritual

Polypragmis Periphraxis
Fortunata Wonderoso

We, the of Exquisite taste
Offer this invocation to Beauty
An Incandanscent elixir
Ignited in adoration-
to The Emerald Muse

Anima Divine!
We beseech thee, alight in us that Fire
That we have, in our arrogance
so carelessly let languish

Verdant Fairy of Wonder and Delight
Bestow upon us your Grace this night


Fairy of The Sweet Caress, lend us your blessing that we may always know Love and tenderness … PUT SUGAR ATOP
Fairy of The Joyful Fire, lend us your blessing that we may remember to tend the Joyful fire in our Hearts LIGHT SUGAR
Fairy of The Dreaming Waters, lend us your blessing that we may find passage to the realms of enchantment that reside within us

Now I would ask that we all lift our glasses and pay esteem to Her Majesty,
The Emerald Muse
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Manifesto To Beauty- Circa 1918

A Manifesto to Beauty
(written for the Weimar Berlin Kinky Salon Cabaret)

We , the children of Ecstatic Sight
raise up this praise to Beauty

A Gold love letter
Penned with quicksilver
Ignited in adoration-

Here, in the heart of us,
The Signal Is Received!

Yes, Anima Divine !
We are that radiant fever-
Rallying all swollen desires
back to Eternal Revelation!

We cry out … fueled by
strange exhalations from her womb
….Delphic Communion in dark chambers!

Here! A winged perfume brushes over us
And the Starry Veil lifted -
As a darkened wood
Reveals lovers entwined

Hand of the Absolute;
smite us with silent revery!
take our language !

True Sight return to us,
and restore Beauty’s inner graceScott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Monday, February 07, 2005

SuperStar Avatar as a New Myth

Yes, SuperStar Avatar is a new myth..
one that supports the emergence of a harmonious, mutually assurred -self-actualiztion society(thanks neal) by providing an approach with sufficient, fluidic functionality to enable this transition-

""Historian Arnold Toynbee observed that the 21 civilizations he studied all collapsed for the same reason: their inability to adapt to changes taking place either within them or surrounding them. Like Joseph Campbell, Toynbee noted the importance of myth in shaping the future of a civilization. For from the myth springs the vision of new possibilities. Each nation, each culture tells such an overarching story about itself. But when great changes take place, a new myth is required." These words you will find on the back cover of a beautiful book by Norie Huddle called Butterfly, It was written to help usher in what she calls the "Butterfly Era" of global civilization. "

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Dark of the winter

man oh man...
has it been dark and cold
so much stress in holding fast to our vision...

"darkest before the dawn"...

yeah, all that cliches...
Mission Control is impossible to heat, mutha!!!

we swore we would not be here another winter
.....well, you do what you gotta do..

good news is, we've got the SA pitch pretty well nailed down which means its time to start
sharing the vision with anyone interested
i'm feeling drawn to folks like The Steiner Foundation and The Joseph Campbell Foundation...they'll have the smarts to understand what it is we've created...
they have the background to see the structure of SA as something robust ...
something viable for taking on the current MYTH of scarcity and lack that operates in the world...

for it is on this level that any truly social movement must be based
not personal, not agenda...but in hosting a functional dialogue with the Nature of Reality itself that everyone can join in....

Superstar invites everyone to share their findings as social scientists, which we ALL ARE, merely by being in the world together.....
it asks of us to share...
'what works, what does not work?
what makes your soul sing, your heart ping?????'

it invites us to ask questions that have no answers and to join in The Play that has no ending

its time to stand behind our convivtions of building a world based on Love, Truth, Beauty and committment to a cocreative process...

commit ourselves to creating and sharing meaningful experiences for one another
commit ourselves to exploring on a tangible level how to ground the new reality instead of talking about it...

i feel my Mystic Fire building
i feel the flame of my True Will pooling behind my eyes, my heart...
ready to shine forth clear intent

why do i, at times, still feel ashamed to reveal and hold my True Power
openly and honestly?
to share my Love of Creation, God, Goddess, Play and Celebration freely?
why do i still feel mistrust for sharing and speaking and acting from this place of boldness they fill me with?

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

SuperStar Foundation Statement

The value of SuperStar Avatar as a ‘Cultural Transformation Engine’ is founded on three essential elements-

1. The SA platform* is based on the universal components of narrative structure.
SA utilizes the basic components of narrative to enable users to ‘script’ truly social experiences for themselves in ways that no ‘online’ social networking tool can allow.
The use of narrative components allows SA to integrate directly into people’s lives rather than act as a social networking tool ‘supplement’.
SA uses these basic narrative components as the ‘standards of representation’ ( a sort of unifying ‘common ground) that support all social interaction and exchange within the SA network.
(* The SA platform can also be referred to as ‘social operating system’ or ‘lifestyle utility’ )

2. Puts the user front and center; the SA tools functionally position the user as the ‘author’ of his or her own social resources, networks, and experiences.

The functional aspects of Superstar Avatars’ profiling, networking and experience scripting tools enable the user to operate at the center of his or her own experience in both design and principle.
By design, SA’s standards act as a common language, which connects and empowers individuals and communities.
On the individual level, use of these standards helps users to identify and represent their value (tangible and intangible resources.)
On the collective level, these standards enable users to engage this value in social exchange, as well as assess it in relationship to their networks. This allows for more empowered, lasting and meaningful experiences.
Collaboration between individuals and communities, as well as customization and open interpretation, occurs on deeper and deeper levels as these standards of exchange continue to be adopted into the fabric of existing social architectures.

3. SuperStar Avatar provides access to successful social dynamic models, solutions and principles.
SA presents simple yet powerful models of collective governance, trust mechanisms and distributed accountability cultivated from years of ground work studying, isolating and comparing the dynamics of successful social models currently in use by many diverse communities.
Users are saved much time and effort in scripting and executing their own experiences through use of these proven social dynamics.
With respect to fostering sustainable social behavior, SA acts as a sort of ‘Trojan Horse’
by introducing the principles of effective social models such as respect, distributed accountability and mutual support as mere components of a bigger picture: creating rewarding, meaningful experiences.

As a ‘cultural transformation engine’:
SA enables a sustainable transition from a society primarily based on the consumption of myths and stories to one that self-generates and inhabits new ones.
· SA presents a New Myth for our times that facilitates direct experience of personal and collective rejuvenation, abundance and value and rewards these pursuits as tangibly rewarding, highly sustainable and mutually supportive...
· SuperStar Avatar, as a New Cultural Paradigm (Myth), is designed to enable a true experience economy.

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet

Friday, July 02, 2004

Seussian Magick Pentameter

To The Heart Of The SUn
in THe Gold Of The One
Our SOul will take Flight
by the Power of Fun

By The Star in the Deep
and the Power of Might
In THY Will Joined by Grace
We Shall bring in The Right

In the soft of the Heart
where we Find our True Thunder,
here in Beauty, We SURRENDER
To The Power of Wonder!

July 2nd-ProfV

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

StarPilot Journey for SOFT party, June 19th

Hop Aboard The Lotus Light Ship-

I set out to write a piece to share in dedication to all things FIRM, all things solid , sturdy, substantial and strong in nature-
A love letter compliment to the evenings theme, a yang dang doodle to the Yinny yin yin of SOFT (the theme of the June 19th SOFT party)
Many times over the past few days, riding the fulcrum of the years turning, Solstice time-the longest night of the year when the cycle of winter sits in the perfect reflection of the Sun’s big day, I was swung-pulled-
Back and forth, finding myself reflected in the compliment of forces, desiring to write something to share, something from the heart, to the heart…..
A piece expressing the Gravity my heart was exerting in oscillatory waves pulsing in perfect sets, through me from the Heart of the Sun….
So reading this now, releasing intention and thought to the flow of the hearts’ dictate, here in the walls of this space, opening, here in the essence of every candle and every light placed, woven throughout this physical chalice of Mission Control…..can you taste it?
Starlight drizzled over everything?
(Are we in? Is everbody in?
Bring the breath and the body to present awareness, here snuggled and snuzzly and cuddly communion..are we together?)
Shall we travel?
Shall we build a ship together and sail into the heart of Soft’s Creation?
Into the ever deepening chambers of the Hearts’ Revelation?
Then firm your mind in stillness.
Letting go, letting go, within, within within the sound of this voice, not trancing out, not hypnotized...... but still and present and breathing gently.
The party magic bus is boarding.
Follow the sound of the msuic...can you hear it?
The Lotus Light Ship is arriving to take us upstream where the party never ends, the people are always strange and beautiful, where the punch flows straight from the fountain of Youth, celestial orchestras pulsing diamond studded hits remixed by gnostic beat masters and every glance, every dance move, every flirtatious glance is a foundation stone in the New World Creation unfolding right here now!
The Ship, is the body, present and still, breathing and conscious,
The SHip, is the body, dynamic, alive with PLay
Filling, flowing and cycling with rainbow light.
The Ship is the intention we share to know ourselves anew, in embodied relationship to each others’ glory-
The body of the ship, which we are now joining, loving into view,
Is the collective desire of all Love Engines, everywhere, in all our chests, realizing The Dream of Manifest Goodness-
And Love, firm and soft, deep and wide, powerful and rich, silent and gloriously thundering is delivering us into the perfect moment where we are now realizing that everything we do and feel and accept is in perfect alignment.
In perfect alignment…
The gifts of doubt and fear and self-lovelessness drawing us back into perfect alignment,
Shadow weighing in our hearts, a gift!,
drawing us back ever into perfect alignment…
For in our willingness to Love Love back, rising to meet it, to behold Loves’ working in our own being, we inherit our Mastery as Star Pilots Eternal!
Know This.
You are here by appointment to the star.
In hearing this, acknowledge the part of you that is ready to hear this and thus claim your inheritance!
We are becoming Star Light Ambassadors to the culture that was by embodying the eternal culture that is Here Now in perfect alignment as US reveling… Star Kin …Here, in the Heart of it all!
And that, my friends, is a very good thing.
Mind, come back to the heart,
mind, bow before the hearts brilliance!
Body, come kneel within the hearts chambers and make love here!
In Love, in perfect balance with The Grand Play
This unfolding community of Star Kin, Sun Priests, Sex-Kitten Priestesses, Bourbon Warriors, Ecstatic Terrorists all…..

Here, In The Heart of It All, I shall lose myself to Infinity with my Brothers and Sisters and so gain my true self.

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'

SuperStar VS. BurningMan, some thoughts

The following are thoughts prompted by questions from a friend-
the answers directly address how the BurningMan Festival helped to influence the inception of SuperStar Avatar
--How did your first BM experience change your life?

The first time coming onto the desert playa, sunset with a warm, sage wind blowing and the soft purple hills in the distance…It felt like coming home to something I had lost or forgotten. I remember feeling this way and thinking, ‘oh this is what it feels like when people say that…’
…was this a feeling of longing based on hopes and ideals, projected forward onto a festival which I had heard so much about over the years?
…or a premonition of what was to come later that week?
My experience that first week at Bman showed me that a fluid kind of social structure based on the celebration/ support of expression based activities was not only wonderful but a profoundly healing thing.
The collective art piece that is the BMAN city was immediately in my mind, a grounded reflection of peoples’ need for social architectures that truly put the experience of being social in the forefront of the design.
Everywhere you looked in the city was the sign of intention.
Intent to connect, share , exchange, celebrate, facilitate experience of the moment! Everywhere you went was some intentional art piece of sign or project created with the purpose of invoking a very real if not ephemeral moment of beingness dedicated to being present, alive, embodied and awake.

Every aspect of what I brought to this Autonomous Zone of Creativity and Celebration gave me an immediate feedback mirror.
Every action had its appropriate reaction, which, in the highly intentionalized environment of BMAN reverberated deeper than I could have ever expected.
All my actions, whether noble, selfish, altruistic, etc. were clearly met with immediate results far quicker than in the ‘normal’world.
It was clear that my quality of play was a direct reflection of how I played.
(paraphrasing James Carse-Infinite and Finite Games)
By the time of the festivals’ climactic moment (the burn), I had decided to steer my way directly into the center of the cities blueprint, realizing if this city was a collective manifestation of intent….i would place myself in what I perceived to be the intentional center.
That year the city was shaped like a parabolic mirror…with the figure of the man in the direct center of ‘the array’, pointed out to the wide open space of the desert. I took myself out away from the city directly on the 12 o’clock meridian of the cities top axis, placing myself between the collective intent of the 4 mile wide design and the openness of the desert.
When the man burned that night, I had the most profound experience of my life….transformative, exhilarating, rejuvenating and positively the most affirming regarding the nature/power of collective intent when made manifest in the actual structure of a social space.

--What rituals have you participated in (including the burning of the
man/temples) that have made an impact, and how?

The next year I was to launch a project called The Eternal Return, a large scale interactive installation performance based on the narrative of Rebirth.
If the figure central to the festival narrative, The Man, was to die at the center of this collective, intentionalized structure, why should we not celebrate a moment dedicated to the rebirth of this ‘collective hero-uber shaman’ now smoldering as a 30 ft. wide pit of ashes?
Where was the Phoenix, the Lotus to spring forth from the dry earth of the playa?
So, with 8 months preparation, I initiated a large scale project with which some 5o odd people built props, costumes, set pieces, a large mandala stage, a 360ft crop circle enscribed on the playa with natural ore, a mechanical lotus sculpture to sit in the center of the stage, complex choreography for dancers and performers, etc.
We placed ourselves as the ‘center attraction’ of ‘The Community Dance’ rave and gathered an audience of a couple thousand to witness the theatrics, fire spinning, dance performance and dozens of costumed characters enacting stories in spectacle style in front of the closed lotus sculpture, central to the narrative. The spectacle was to build up to a climactic finale when it was to open in a shower of light effects and sparks.
In short, it barely opened due to mechanical failures and the Narrative climax that night was to remain forever a mystery. Or so I thought!
In retrospect, much of the magic I had experienced the year before was lost to me this next year because I was so stuck in my head I could not be present to play and interact with the intention of all those around me.
I could not ‘cocreate’ with all the other visions and ideas and moments of beauty others had intentionally prepared for the desert as well.
It was a powerful lesson for me ……for that night was born my dedication to finding a science of celebration that equally supported both the boldness of personal vision with the mechanisms for collaborating with others.
My dedication to supporting a cocreative model based on the sharing of creative expression and personally determined VALUE……process based exploration, collaboratory process…not just more dogma product, material spiritualiasm, idealogical warfare, etc.
It is interesting to see how Bman steers clear of too narrowly defining what it is that they are actually hosting.

--What motivates you to return each year?

As I have dedicated myself now to the grounded manifestation of a model inspired from these experiences…..a model for everyone and everywhere, not chained to any environment or community, not for the artist elite or the cultural creative set…..i go to Bman now as a way to check in with what that collective is doing.
In many ways it appears to me that many folks that go try to recapture the magic of their first visit, rather that try to build on what they experienced…
The themes which the festival embraces each year seem more like costume dress codes than truly narrative structures upon which the city as an intentional whole can really participate with.
It is a criticism of this festival that there is a lack of creative structure in which people can truly collaborate and interact. Though, publicly, I do not offer criticism as such for it would do no good. Instead, I work toward providing narrative / creative tools with which I hope the citizens of Black Rock can use to enhance and enrich their experience.

This year, The Vault of Heaven has personal appeal to me as one of the central motifs of the narrative of my ‘cocreative methodology’ (SuperStar Avatar)
Uses is the STAR.

When you went for the first time, what were you
What kind of experience were you looking to create for yourself or
other participants?

In truth, the first time I went I was rather skeptical of what I might find.
When I was arriving finally, the vista, the layout of the city itself existing completely in the vast nothingness….and then shortly after arriving….
I felt a sort of ‘permission’ hovering in the air and lingering over everything.
A permission which gave me the cue that ‘yes’ this is the space and the time in which you can open up….stretch your limitation, try new things…”
I felt the openness of the citizens immediately, felt the freedom that people gave themselves here, at the Pilgrimages end in Black Rock City Temple.

It was exactly as if the city was a highly intentionalized gameboard upon which all participants were grand players in a movie of their own creation.
This, being an activity to which I had as an artist and event producer already spent a great deal of time pursuing in my life….
‘Celebration of the Ecstatic Moment’….the field of Popular Entertainment and interactive spectacle performance in which the act and action of every celebrant orchestrated to be felt by the others.

One successful aspect of BMAN which is clearly apparent after attending first time, is that second time attendants have learned ‘the rules’ of the gameboard,
so to speak and are eager to return in a way that enables play on a deeper level.
My story of returning a second year is mirrored by many that have gone repeat times.
Stories of epic work burnouts and community fall-outs have occurred by those that return so anxious to participate that they forget that much of the magic of this gameboard is found in the fleeting, ephemeral moments in which you share space with other players on the board, if for only fleeting moments,
with total strangers….touching something so unique and powerful, completely your own to share …
Perfect moments that pass and will never happen again.
Moments in which the Art of Being seems unquestionably to be the whole point of this Grand, Infinite Game of Celebration.
The City of Bman- this gameboard, shimmering into view like some conjured mirage for one week, a miracle to some, an intentional creation borne of months of sweaty labor to others.

Could it be that the goal of the Infinite Model of Collective Social Endeavouring is to generate direct experience/ stories of celebration, beauty and Novelty…without end?

Scott Levkoff
Prof Violet
'Lifes A Game, Are You Playing?'